On occasion, Cole created artwork for various organizations’ promotional literature. Breaking from her traditional style, these pieces demonstrate other ways in which she used her profession to engage others. Organization that have used her works include:
- American Academy of Dermatology’s Camp Discovery
Founded in 1993, Camp Discovery offers a six-week recreational summer camp, giving campers the opportunity to spend time among others with similar skin conditions. Many of the counselors have chronic skin conditions as well, and can provide support and advice to campers. In 1996, Cole created drawings for posters and promotional literature for “Wonder Week ‘96.”
- Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT)
Founded in 1982, Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) aims to improve the welfare of food producing animals. Cole created drawings for the organization’s 1997 holiday card, donor notice, and stationery that FACT’s Founder Robert A. Brown sent to contributors, updating them on FACT’s progress during the year and soliciting their year-end financial support.
- Illinois CPA Society/Foundation
Founded in 1903, the Illinois CPA Society (ICPAS) is a statewide membership organization, with over 23,000 professionals, dedicated to enhancing the value of the CPA profession. Cole drew images of the Chicago skyline to accompany an article in NewsJournal (August 1990).